Saturday, 13 December 2014

Searching innovations...

The project is teaching me a lot and there have been many things going in it at the classroom level as well as outside it. My aim of organizing the classroom in a structure is taking shape slowly and steadily and it is really testing my abilities of innovation. The children have so much energy which I want to use in the most creative way as possible. But until I’m able to achieve it, the experience is really exhausting.

One of the new techniques I have started in the class is the use of ‘Points’ or artificial currency. Here the all children received ten points initially which they have to spend in purchasing required materials to make toys. They earn more points by taking various classroom responsibilities like cleaning, managing materials, filling water, documenting tasks, etc. I wanted this to teach them things such as managing money, learning about basic money transactions which involve basic mathematics, taking responsibilities, etc. and also organize the classroom processes. So far this has been working quite well but requires a lot of improvement. I envision this to turn it into an assessment mechanism for learning in future.

The sessions are now taking place three days a week i.e. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is a day for English and Urdu teaching. Apart from making toys sometimes we also play games, sing songs and now also want to include dancing. A new dance teacher is being identified and would be starting soon. There has been a lot of demand for a dance class and I also hope it be a good activity for channelizing children energies. I haven't touched any of the subjects of Science and Mathematics and I think it is still a later stage before I organise things to a certain level. 

Apart from classroom activities, I have been taking steps to spread the project to more children. I along with the NGO named, ‘Sarathya’ who is working in the same area, have been discussing ways of setting more centers and training teachers. As of now due to high academic pressure the steps for the same would be taken later in the month of February 2015. I have been also working on developing a similar curriculum for Science and Maths for another organization in Mumbai as demanded by them which would be another opportunity to spread the project. 

The learners of Vigyan Khel Ghar

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